Enforcement actions and penalties for non-compliance with AML regulations are on the rise. Banks are saddled with increasingly higher costs for transaction monitoring or facing the risks of hefty fines. At the same time bad actors are employing an increasingly diverse set of strategies to stay ahead of regulators and compliance departments. Current rules-based AML software creates a slew of cases that require extensive and manual investigation by compliance officers.
Leverages the power of Data, Analytics, Machine Learning , and AI technologies to uncover hidden relationships from vast troves of data, generate insights, and inform decision making across all levels. Improve accuracy of money laundering case detection and efficiency of investigators and financial crime compliance managers.

Enhance your financial detection patterns with machine learning, data visualization on a sophisticated Network visualization platform and uncovers difficult-to-detect patterns that far outstrip the power of a relational database.
Enabling you to rationalize, integrate, consolidate, and seamlessly share volumes of data across the organization through a synchronized platform. It enables financial institutes to effectively manage and analyse data and extract trusted insights to expand market share.

Key Issues